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Italian &

Italian lessons and podcasts.

A simple and useful method to approach Italian in order to become more confident.

Get ready to understand how Italians speak the way they do and why.


Buttati, dai!

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Piacere di conoscerti!


My name is Francesca and I teach Italian since 2014 to very different audiences.


I invite you to begin a magical journey with me: I'll introduce you to my culture using our wonderful cuisine, our literature and stories.


Vuoi cominciare un viaggio insieme a me?

You'll find my podcasts on :


  • Anchor

  • Apple Podcast / Itunes

  • Spotify

  • Breaker

  • Google Podcasts

  • RadioPublic


Look for me in the app you prefer and add me to your favourites.


Feel free to contact me in case you would like to hear me talking about a particular subject.


Click here for details

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